Discover the most important exhibitions and publications such as press releases,
performances and interviews of Barbara Philipp
Parallel Vienna
Intakt bei der PARALLEL VIENNA
5 – 10 September 2023
Otto-Wagner-Areal, Baumgartner Höhe 1, 1140 Wien
Pavillon 24, Raum 206, 15 Positionen zum Thema Heldin, curated by Isabel Pedevilla
with works by
Stella Bach, Ilse Chlan, Katya Dimova, Ingrid Gaier, Die4Grazien, Juliana Herrero, Susanne Kompast, Leonie Lehner, Sarah Mang, Barbara Philipp, Agnes Rossa, Beate Schachinger, Katharina Sylvest Schönherr, Johanna Tatzgern, Julia Überreiter
Panel discussion WomeninArt Amsterdam
25 March 2023
De Hallen Studio 2/ Amsterdam
public program during the exhibition Women in Art
The book about my drawing series of 2020 – 2022 was relaunched in October and is available at the editor monochrom and the museum shop of Museum MORE!
Bodily Expression
2 and 18 June 2023
exhibition at artPKunstverein, Perchtoldsdorf (Austria)
artists: Barbara Philipp and Karin Frank
curated by Brigitte Lang
talk: Elisbath Priedl
Ein Veilchen schlagen- INA LOITZL in conversation with...
@CurtWillsStitftung für die Unterstützung
Ausreißer- Wandzeitung #105
Publication date April 2023
Episode 3: The Feminist Viennese Coffee House with MARGRET WIBMER
Ausreißer- Wandzeitung #106
Utopia and Reality
Margret Wibmer was the third guest at the Feminist Viennese Coffee House which was held during the pandemic. In the conversation she relates definitions of time with her work and her artistic practice.
Text written by Barbara Philipp
MOTHERHOOD 1/ Concepts of Motherhood
21. April 2023 – 30. April 2023
HilbertRaum und Retramp Gallery/ Berlin
Die Ausstellung „Motherhood I / Concepts of Motherhood“ stellt den Auftakt zu einer Ausstellungsreihe über Mutterschaft und Weiblichkeit dar. Organisiert wird das Ausstellungsprojekt von der IntAkt – Internationale Aktionsgemeinschaft bildender Künstlerinnen Wien, in Zusammenarbeit mit dem HilbertRaum und der Retramp Gallery Berlin.
( Text Agnes Rosa)
Learning from the Pandemic
May 2022
online conference, organised by Demeter Press, Mothers Matter Centre Canada and York University.
Kunstkapel Amsterdam
Performance – 12 December 2022
In the frame of the festival Fall Back to the Womb the performance Mutterseelenallein/All Alone in the World- Together evolved and is a continuation of its first realisation in 2020, in which only the mother´s voice was heard. This time, with the texts of Martina Cleary, Eileen Little and Arabella Hutter von Arx, the voices of daughters were included.
Feminist Viennese Coffee House with MATERNAL FANTASIES
September 2022, Eindhoven
The Feminist Viennese Coffee House/ episode 12
Hybrid meeting in group
May 2021
Museum MORE
Participation at the exhibition Realism from 1900 – to the presence
in Gorssel, The Netherlands
15 October 2022 – 2 March 2023
Boxing Gathering
22 and 23 April 2021
At this interdisciplinary conference Barbara Philipp talked about her work and presented the performance Mutterseelenallein.
Hosted by the University of Bolton School of Arts and Creative Technologies, organised by Paul Hollins and Martina Mullaney.
Ausreißer- Wandzeitung #101
Publication date April 2022
The book about my drawing series of 2020 – 2022 was relaunched in October and is available at the editor monochrom and the museum shop of Museum MORE!
émergences 01
genèse & métamorphose
French magazine by ©bureau communes
publication date novembre 2022
Text and image contribution
Directrice éditoriale: Noémie Vidé
Coordination artistique: Jean-Baptiste Lorthiois et Noémie Vidé
Graphisme et mise en page: Camille Vidé
Learning from the Pandemic
May 2022
online conference, organised by Demeter Press, Mothers Matter Centre Canada and York University.
Nieuws BV
Radio 1 and NPO 1
First broadcast 30 May 2021
For a long time, the combination of motherhood and being an artist seemed impossible. But that seems to be coming to an end now that mothers are claiming their place by calling themselves mother artists. Art historian and journalist Joke de Wolf delved into this phenomenon. She is showing and talking about Barbara Philipp’s work.
Missing Mother
22 and 23 April 2021
At this interdisciplinary conference Barbara Philipp talked about her work and presented the performance Mutterseelenallein.
Hosted by the University of Bolton School of Arts and Creative Technologies, organised by Paul Hollins and Martina Mullaney.
Maternal Art Shop
Giclee artists prints by Barbara Philipp are now available via the Maternal Art shop.
1/ To give birth to yourself by Barbara Philipp
2/ Shield by Barbara Philipp
3/New grounds by Barbara Philipp
To find out more go to
Dutch newspaper
9 May 2021
Vrouwlijke kunstenaars hoorden geen kinderen te hebben, nu rukt de mother artist op
Essay written by Joke de Wolf
Tea with MAM artist talk
First broadcast 12 March 2021
Realised and produced by Helen Sargeant, as part of the Tea with MAM artist talks 11am GMT.
VIENNESE COFFEE HOUSE/ Das Wiener Kaffeehaus
episode 10 / in conversation with Shira Richter
17 May 2021
Tel Aviv – Amsterdam
A conversation in a Kaffeehaus travels. My Kaffeehaus is an idea, an abstract of a viennese coffee house. Now, because of the limitations to travel, the Viennese coffee house takes place in my studio in Amsterdam. Opening hours are time restricted. Appointments are made beforehand.
Drawing commission for the bancpublic shop, opened in May 2021, in Schulgasse 31, 1180 Vienna
A shop for music, books, antiques, art, food
Mothers, Mothering, and COVID-19
Publication date March 2021
TATSACHEN Voices against the Crises - 06
13 June 2020
What do the omnipresent media imagesof this crisis call forth? How do they affect our perception and behaviour, now, as well as in the future? How are emotions translated into speech, what are the consequences for private and political action? And what does freedom mean in this context? Barbara Philipp has created a graphic Knock Down diary.
Dans Hebdo Al-Ahram
article Journale intime d’une artiste confinée, écrit par May Sélim
14-20 October 2020, Cairo (Egypt)
Le journal intime de l’artiste autrichienne Barbara Philipp est un témoignage intéressant de la crise que nous vivons partout dans le mode. Elle vient de l’exposer au Caire sous le titre de Knockdown Diary, partageant ses émotions, notamment durant les deux mois où elle était enfermée chez elle…
Ziar/ Art Newspaper
Contribution to the monthly art publication with Bonno van Doorn, Ramon Sadic, Andrei Arion and Cristian Grecu, edited by Cătălina Nistor
Distributed in international museums and galleries
Ausreißer - Die Wandzeitung
May 2020
Graz – Amsterdam
Knock Down! Und dann?Interview mit Barbara Philipp, geschrieben von Evelyn Schalk
Titelbild der Ausgabe #93/94
Rosalyoussef Daily Newspaper
40 drawings by Austrian artist B.Philipp describing the impact of Corona on life.
Written by Egyptian journalist Ahmet Abd El Alim
Bildpublikation in der Literaturzeitschrift Manuskripte, Heft 229
24 October 2020
Heft 229 der manuskripte ist zur Gänze dem im Mai des Jahres verstorbenen Alfred Kolleritsch gewidmet, der die manuskripte 1960 gegründet und sechs Jahrzehnte lang herausgegeben hat.
PARALLEL Vienna 2020
22 until 27 September 2020
Judith Ortner / Ortner 2 präsentiert im alten Wiener Gewerbehaus, Rudolf-Sallinger-Platz 1, 1030 Wien, 2. Stock, Raum 2.25
Barbara Philipp und Brigitte Prinzpod
Barbara Philipp - MOTHERS MATTER
Wien, Judith Ortner/Ortner 2 präsentiert die Vorzugsausgabe des Künstlerbuches.
Alle Zeichnungen der Vorzugsausgabe sind bis vom 19.6. – 11. Juli 2020 zu sehen.
Knockdown Diary
14 October 2020, artist talk and solo exhibition in Cairo, Egypt.
Here you find an article about the exhibition, published by journalist Mohamed Agam in Aawsat
October 2020
Maternal Art Magazine
Issue One 2020: Stay At Home, edited by Helen Sargeant
24 artists were each invited to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, with a working title of Stay At Home.
36. Österreichischer Grafikwettbewerb
Teilnahme am 36. Österreichischen Grafikwettbewerb und Gruppenausstellung im TAXISPALAIS, Innsbruck, 2019.
Veröffentlichung in Idiome, Hefte für Neue Prosa
1/ 2018
Text_Andrea Inglese, Zeichnung_Barbara Philipp, Fotografie_Aleksei Shinkarenko
The European Court in Den Haag
Autumn 2018
Exhibition with Margret Wibmner, Christine Tauber und Karina Meister.
The exhibition led to a temporally censorship of my drawings at the court.
The process and developments were documented in a little book.
8 December 2018
Leyden Gallery 9 Leyden St, London E1 7LE
By Adriana Cerne and Lindsay Moran
Desperate Artwives in collaboration with Leyden Gallery present
SHESHOWS | an evening of performance and screenings
Participating artists:
Barbara Philipp | Caitlin Alexandra Robinson | Christina Vasileiou | Crow Dillon-Parker | Ellen Wiles | Hannah Lamdin | Helen George | Irini Folerou | Karen Thorn | Katy Howe | Lyndsey Blezard | Madinah Thompson | Maja Spasova | Megan Wynne | Mika Hockman | Simone Stoll
MOM Artist In Action
Lecture performance “ Mom Artist In Action“ at the exhibition „Social Engaged Art“ at the 3331 Arts Chiyoda, Tokyo.
Following the invitation of the feminist action group Tomorrow Girls Troop
4 March 2017
from 16.30 to 18.30
MOM artist in action is a lecture performance about the adversities that you encounter as an artist and mother in the international art world. How does an artist combine flexible living and working situations in often precarious conditions with children? To what extent is the political and institutional hand of the state supportive?
Performance Minsk- Amsterdam- Paris- Texel
In collaboration with Andrea Inglese and Aleksei Shinkarenko
3 November 2017
At the Lettrétage, Mehringdamm 61, Berlin.
MOTHERS IN ARTS : Lecture & Performance
30 April 2017
from 11.00 to 13.00
at Artist-Run Space Gole at De Vlugt
free entry
Mirjam Westen : “Representations of m/otherhood and Care”
Barbara Philipp : “Himmel und Hölle”
Procreate Project Archive
3 June 2017
London, Royal College of Art
Thanks to ProCreate Project the first exemplar of the artist book Immunity was travelling to London! So in my spirit and with my work I can be at Oxytocin, this incredible event, which will happen next week in Great Britain.
The Mothernists 2:
Who cares for the 21st century?
Matching Points
Lecture Performance, by Barbara Philipp in collaboration with Shira Richter at Astrid Noacks Ateliers in Copenhagen
14 October 2017
Präsentation des Kunstbuches IMMUNITY/ Sicherheit ohne Gewehr
Vorzugsausgabe: 15 Bücher mit jeweils einer beigelegten Originalzeichnung, Mischtechnik auf Papier, 29 cm x 21 cm, jedes Blatt signiert, datiert und nummeriert, 2017.
Das Buch enthält 54 Farb- und Schwarz/Weisszeichnungen, Auflage 30.
Ortner 2
Judith Ortner
1010 Wien, Sonnenfelsgasse 8
Tel: 01-512 74 69
Ausreißer - Die Wandzeitung
issue #78
September/ October 2017
feminism. basta.
Zurechtgerücktes Symbol des Feminismus*
Artikel von Shira Richter über Barbara Philipps Photoarbeiten Im Ring
Procreate Project Archive
Women’s art library, December 2015, London.
Matryoshka at the Mothernists Conference 1
5/6/7 June 2015, Rotterdam
During the Mothernism conference participants and the public were asked to
go on a travel with the word „mother“ and an ending that they had to choose before.
They literally connected the wordcard mother with an ending, which they like the most. Then they were asked to write down some thoughts, a family story or an experience, which is connected to this word. As a gift from the m/others artists they received a blank matryoshka doll, which they could decorate as they wish.
Paris - Paris
Exhibition 16 May – 27 June 2015
Galerie Remixx, Graz
18 January 2010
Goethe-Institut, Amsterdam
‚Tasteless‘ is een kunst- en kookboek dat de lezer meeneemt in een wereld vol vet. De verbale spanning van het boek is doorspekt met vette spreuken. Stoffelijke tegenstellingen in het materiaal komen visueel in tekeningen (schijnbaar) tot een oplossing.
Met bijdragen van culturele wetenschapper Alena Alexandrova en antropologe Carole Counihan.
Ina Stockem, choreograaf en performer, leidt u samen met Barbara Philipp door de avond.
Anatmoie in geneeskunde en kunst
9 July – 7 September 2007
Artist Talk with Barbara Philipp
The Austrian Embassy and MBASSY UNLIMITED presented Barbara Philipp, in conversation with artist Margret Wibmer.
Talk Touch Taste
Column about my work by Evelyn Schalk
Artist of the issue #33
Wie politisch ist Sex?
Ausreisser, Die Grazer Wandzeitung.
“Aesthetes and Eaters —Food and the Arts”
Invisible Culture Issue no.14 Winter 2010
Mention of my video work La Belle Vue ( The Great View) in Alexandra Alisauskas´introduction to the topic of Food and the Arts.
Junge Kunst auf Papier. Ankäufe des Kupferstichkabinetts 1997–2012
Opening 20 September 2009
NITSCH - Vorbilder Zeitgenossen Lehre
Teilnahme an der Ausstellung NITSCH – Vorbilder Zeitgenossen Lehre
26 June – 11 October 2009 at Wiener Künstlerhaus (Vienna, Austria)
Katalog ist noch antiquarisch erhältlich:
Peter Bogner und Künstlerhaus Wien (Hg.)
Hermann Nitsch
Vorbilder, Zeitgenossen, Lehre
Ausstellungskatalog Künstlerhaus Wien 26. 6. bis 23. 8. 2009
The Description Of The World
La description du moden
Interdisciplinary project between writers and visual artists, initiated by Andrea Inglese.
Look at the writer contributions of the site.
Allard Pierson Museum, Amsterdam.
Participation at the group exhibition Capturing Metamorphosis curated by Alena Alexandrova (concept), Martine van Kampen and Vladimir Stissi (research and advise).
Artists: James Beckett, Rob Johannesma, Lawrence Malstaf, Barbara Philipp, Rebecca Sakoun
Artikel in der Taz, geschrieben von Wolfgang Koch
20 November 2009
über meine Arbeiten in der Soloausstellung in Wien
international feminist art journal
volume 24/ 2009
Mentioning artist books Wellness and Reflexzonen, exhibited at the group exhibition Perspectives at the Anaid Art Gallery, Bukarest in Material Histories: Feminism and feminist art in post- revolutionary Romania, written by Olivia Notiz, 2009.
Whether you have a question about artworks, collaborations, need inquiries, or anything else, I am ready to answer all your questions.
